With SportEasy, create all recurring events in a couple of seconds!
Summary 📖
- How to create recurring events
- Invite settings for your recurring events
- Edit a recurring event
How to create recurring events
To set up a recurring event (training session, recreational game...), click on Create on the top right of the screen on the Calendar page.
Once on the creation page, define what kind of event you want to create.
Next, define the recurrence of the event by selecting Yes next to Recurring event. Specify the days on which the event is recurring, the time length for the recurrence (a month, a year...) and the start and end time of the event.
Here is the information you will have to enter to create a recurring event.
Invitation settings for your recurring events
For each recurring event, how do you wish to invite your players? You have two options:
- Inviting all players automatically X days before the match: all players will automatically receive an invitation X days before the date of the event, and may indicate their availability; The casual players will not receive this automatic invitations (you can call them manually if you need players)
- Choose the players I want to invite: from the events page, manually invite the players of your choice whenever you want.
🚀 Congratulations!
You've created your first recurring events.
Edit a recurring event
You can edit the settings of a particular event, even if it is recurring. However, it will not change the setting for every futur event.
Go onto the event page, click on the settings icon on the top right of the screen, then on Modify event.
🖥️ SportEasy, our web platform
If you wish to change a setting for all your recurring events, we recommend you go on our web platform, delete all the events, and create them again with the right settings.
🥸 For more info
Find out how to create a waitlist and how to hide attendance to an event.
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