You are administrator (or coach) of a team participating in a league/ a championship this season?
You can easily keep up with the team's performance within the league on SportEasy, no matter if your team is enrolled in a recreational league, a university championship, a federal league, etc.
With our league management feature you can:
- create the league season in your team (on the website or on the mobile app)
- overview the calendar of the league
- update the results for all the games (not only yours)
- manage bonus/penalty points for each participating team
- follow the standings, players stats and team stats
- send invitations to your players for upcoming games
- manage your ratings/votes preferences
- delete the league
This league management feature is available for all the sports listed on SportEasy, except for teams registered under the option 'other' sport.
This feature is not a full league management system that a league organizer can use to manage the league calendar, the results, or to communicate with participating teams. But it is a great solution for each team to centralize and communicate the information related to their league, internally.
If you are a league organizer, or managing an 'other sport' team, interested in using SportEasy please contact us!
Create the league season in your team
On the SportEasy website, using a computer 💻
- I create my league for the first time on SportEasy
- I already managed my league in a past season on SportEasy
Creating my league for the first time on SportEasy
- Go to the 'League' tab of the main menu
- Click on 'Create league season'
- Click on 'New league' and confirm
- Enter the basic information of your league:
- Name
- Format
- Venue (Create a venue if needed) to apply to all home events or to all events
You can create and manage venues anytime you want (learn how).
- Add participating teams:
- Add a team already created in your list of opponents
- OR Create a new team to add to this list
The first team listed in the league is yours. You can add participating teams whenever you want, even during the season, from the league settings.
You can also manage your general list of opponents, not just for this league.
- Set up your invitation settings:
You will be able to edit the invitation settings later on if you wish, on the league settings page.
You can choose between:
- "Inviting all players automatically X days before the match": all players will automatically receive an invitation X days before the date of the event, and may indicate their availability; The casual players will not receive this automatic invitation (you can call them manually if you need players)
- "Choose the players I want to invite": from the events page, manually invite the players of your choice whenever you want.
> Check the box "Automatically remind players who do not reply" so that your players automatically receive a second invitation message if there is no response.
> Check the box "First X registered players participate, the following are on the waitlist" and fill in the desired number of participants: a waitlist will automatically be created once this number has been reached; In case of withdrawal, the 1st on the waitlist will be invited, and so on.
For league fixtures:
- Copy/paste the calendar given to you by the federation or league. For each day, enter the opponent, start date and time in the specified format, stadium and address. You can then specify whether the match is home or away.
- Enter the league information yourself:
It may take a couple of minutes to create your league fixtures so please don't leave the loading page.
Once your league has been created, the stadiums and opponents will be saved.
If you create all the matches for each day (not just those of your team), you'll be able to enter the complete results for each day and keep your standings up to date!
It will still be possible to add, modify or delete days and matches from the championship settings.
Finally, simply complete the creation of the championship to see it appear in the "Championships" tab of the main menu.
To add new fixtures:
Either click on "Add games" from the league calendar if you have already created games.
Or click on "Add games" from this page if you have not created any games yet.
I already managed my league in a past season on SportEasy
- Go to the 'League' tab of the main menu
- Click on 'Create league season'
- Click on 'New league season' if your league already existed in a past season on SportEasy
- Confirm your choice and then select the league in the list of all past leagues of your team
The league will be created for the new season, based on its settings in the past season. The following information will be copied:
- General information: Name, format, venue
- Participating teams
- Standings: points to be awarded
- Ratings/Votes
- Invitations to events
By copying this data for you, we save you time in the set up of your new league season. But note that you can decide to edit the settings manually, whenever you want, from the league settings (e.g. you might want to add/remove participating teams from one season to the other).
On the iOS or Android mobile app 📱
You can create a league on:
The iPhone/iOS app🍏
If you are coach, player-coach and/or admin of the team, in the calendar tab just click on Create on the top right corner of your screen. On the next page, select game, then choose championship.
The Android app 🤖
If you are a coach, player-coach and/or administrator, from the calendar tab just click on Create on the bottom right corner. On the next page, select game, then choose championship.
You must then enter the name of the league/championship, the opponent, the championship reference number associated to the game, the date and location of the game.
Once this game created, you'll be able to create following games by always choosing this league/championship.
If you want to manage the global calendar, the fixtures/results, the invitation preferences of the league, you must go to the league settings on the SportEasy website.
Updating game results
You can't update the results of the other teams participating in the league from the mobile app.
It has to be done on the SportEasy website, like this:
- Go to the league tab of your team
- Filter the page on the league of your choice
- Go to Fixtures/results
- Click on the ✏️ icon (if you want to do multiple days, remember to change each day between each change you make)
- OR Go to the Standings tab
- Click on the settings icon
- Click on Update results
Manage bonus/penalty points for each participating team
You can't manage bonus/penalty points for each participating team from the mobile app.
It has to be done on the SportEasy website, like this:
- Go to the selected league page
- Click on the settings icon of the league ⚙️
- Click on Bonus points
- Add for each team a total of bonus/penalty point for the season:
- Input a negative number for a penalty
- Input a positive number for a bonus
- Give details of the reasons for a bonus/penalty
You can't detail the bonus/penalty points of a team in different boxes.
e.g If a team gets 2 bonus points at the beginning of the season, and then -3 penalty points during the season, you must input -1 in the total of points for the team.
Follow the standings, players stats and team stats
You can follow the standings, players stats and team stats related to your league either on the SportEasy website or the mobile app.
🏆 Team stats and players stats are available with ou PREMIUM and/or CLUB plans 🏆
On the mobile app 📱
- Go to the stats tab
- Click either on:
- Standings
- Team stats
- Players stats
- Filter on your league/championship
On the SportEasy website 💻
- Go to the league tab of your team
- Filter the page on the league of your choice
- Click either on Standings, Team stats or Players stats
Send invitations to your players for upcoming games
On the mobile app 📱
Everytime you create a new game related to your league, the invitation preferences of the league are applied to the game.
You can manually change these preferences for each new game, or edit the invitation preferences for the league on the website.
You can choose between:
- "Inviting all players automatically X days before the match": all players will automatically receive an invitation X days before the date of the event, and may indicate their availability; The casual players will not receive this automatic invitation (you can call them manually if you need players)
- "Choose the players I want to invite": from the events page, manually invite the players of your choice whenever you want.
> Check the box "Automatically remind players who do not reply" so that your players automatically receive a second invitation message if there is no response.
> Check the box "First X registered players participate, the following are on the waitlist" and fill in the desired number of participants: a waitlist will automatically be created once this number has been reached; In case of withdrawal, the 1st on the waitlist will be invited, and so on.
On the SportEasy website 💻
You can the default invitation setting for each game you create in you league.
- Go to the league tab of your team
- Filter the page on the league of your choice
- Click on settings and then on sur Invitations
You can choose between:
- "Inviting all players automatically X days before the match": all players will automatically receive an invitation X days before the date of the event, and may indicate their availability; The casual players will not receive this automatic invitation (you can call them manually if you need players)
- "Choose the players I want to invite": from the events page, manually invite the players of your choice whenever you want.
> Check the box "Automatically remind players who do not reply" so that your players automatically receive a second invitation message if there is no response.
> Check the box "First X registered players participate, the following are on the waitlist" and fill in the desired number of participants: a waitlist will automatically be created once this number has been reached; In case of withdrawal, the 1st on the waitlist will be invited, and so on.
Manage your ratings/votes preferences
You can't manage your ratings/votes preferences from the mobile app.
It has to be done on the SportEasy website, like this:
- Go to the league tab of your team
- Filter the page on the league of your choice
- Click on settings and then on ratings and votes
You can do the following for the Players ratings, Player of the game or Game rating:
- activate/deactive the feature
- decide who can vote/rate
- decide who can view the results of the votes/ratings
Delete the league
It can only be done on the SportEasy website, by a coach and/or admin of the team:
- Go to the league tab of your team
- Click on the league you wish to delete
- Click on settings and then on delete
- Confirm that you want to delete the league/championship
There is no way back! By deleting a league you accept to loose all related data (calendar, fixtures/resultats, standings, stats, etc.)
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