As a club administrator, I would like to create a form to collect information from my members (for example, when they pay their membership fees at the beginning of the year).
You probably already know how to collect payments for the club on SportEasy. The creation of a form is an addition to this payment system.
For more information:
Create your first form
When you create your collections campaign, you can attach a form, consisting of several questions/fields.
The following information is collected by default from the participant and is mandatory:
- Name
- First name
You can then add various fields to collect additional information: only club administrators will have access to the answers !
Customise your forms
The personalized form will allow you to get answers to all the questions you want to ask your members.
First, you must click on Add a field :
Then, in the drop-down menu, you can :
- Select a criterion/information that already exists as a column heading on your members page (e.g. date of birth, height, weight, ...).
- OR, create a new heading of your choice (e.g. diet, t-shirt size, ...) by typing your text in the field Information name/Label
To simplify the input of responses, you can customise the type of field: Text - File - Numeric - Email - Date - Single choice - Multiple choice.
Finally, you will only have to determine whether the :
- It's required or optional: the participant will have to answer it
- It concerns all participants, or only those who pay a particular fee
The drop-down list allows you to select the fee(s) concerned.
Edit a form
Your form has been confirmed and you notice that you've forgot some information?
Then simply go to the tab Edit then Form
You'll be able to :
- Edit or delete a existing field
- Add a new field
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