As a club admin, you might struggle collecting information from your members and need a tool to help you.
Thanks to the data transfer from forms in the payment collections, use the registration period to update your member database.
For new members, it's even easier! They will first need to fill out all the required information for their registration and pay their membership fees before joining the club (or team). You can then transfer them into the club (or team) so they can use SportEasy for the new season.
📖 Summary:
- Collect information from members via a form
- Update the member database thanks to the data transfer
- Add new members via the data transfer
Collect information from members via a form
Create forms
Got to the Collections tab to create a new membership collection or a new event. Forms are only available for these kinds of payment collections.
To find out more about how to create a collection and its form, you can check out this article.
To allow members to sign up to an event during the season or for members registering again for next season, we recommend you create fields in the form that already exist in your member database. This allows members to simply have to verify the information they have already entered on their profile, rather than having to fill it all out again.
Important : Another important consequence for the future is that data transfer will be easier if you initially used columns that already exist in your member database.
However, if a participant edits information in a form field, it will not automatically update the corresponding field in their personal profile!
An administrator needs to transfer the data to update it (read the second part of this article).
Check the answers
Thanks to the Form Answers tab, you will find all the answers in the forms that have been filled out by your members in an easy database to read and use. You can filter, sort and export the data from the forms, depending on the answer given by the participants.
From the list of forms, you can see the detailed answers of each form and easily go from one participant to the next by clicking on the arrows next to the participants name.
You can also edit answers by clicking on the pencil icon next to the participants name, if they made a mistake or didn't answer correctly.
Important : You can see the date of the last time the form was edited. This allows you to check if it has been changed since it was fill out the first time. If so, you will need to update the member database.
Update the member database thanks to the data transfer
If the fields you add to the form correspond to a column in the member database that already exists, it will appear already filled out if the member has given this information. However, if the member changes this information when filling out the form, it will not automatically update in the member database.
As a club admin, you will decide what information will be updated in the member database and when.
Transfer data from forms to profiles for the first time
From the Form Answers tab, click on the button Transfer data.
The button appears once at least one form has been completed.
You will then be able to select the number of participants you would like to transfer the data for. You can select to transfer all data from all the forms that have been completed, or only transfer the data of the forms you have selected manually, using filters.
Important : If you are afraid of making mistakes the first time you transfer data, we recommend you do it for a smaller amount of participants before transferring all data for all members, so that you can verify the imported data.
You can also select the members who's data you would like to transfer by ticking the box to the left of their name in the table. Then click on More Actions and Transfer data to profiles.
Once you have selected all the forms you would like to transfer, you need to select the information from these forms that you would like to transfer to the member database.
As mentioned above, if you have created fields in the form that already correspond to a column in the member database, SportEasy will automatically link both fields.
You can only link a field in the form to a column in the database if it is the same type of information.
E.g: If in the form you ask for an emergency contact, and the type of information selected is Phone, then you will only be able to link this information to a column in the database that is also of type Phone.
If there isn't a column in the member database that corresponds to the type of information you collected in the form, you will need to create a new column. This new column will have the same name as the field in the form and the same settings.
Once you have finished selecting the fields and corresponding columns, click on Continue.
The last step allows you to check the information you are about to transfer to your members' profiles.
Click on Update X members to confirm the data transfer. The transfer may have a short delay but it should only be a couple of seconds.
When the transfer is done, the information will appear in your member database and on each member's profile.
E.g: If you are transferring data from a collection that is on the club platform, or if you have opened the column to all teams within the club, then the transfer will happen at a club level and the information will be available in the club member database. If you created a new column, only available in certain teams, or if the settings of the column is set so the information is only visible in a certain team, then the transfer will also only show within that team.
Transfer data from forms to profiles, again
Once your first transfer is complete, you will be able to easily make more transfers from the same payment collection, using the same settings that are saved (linking fields to columns).
You can select new participants, or once who had already been transferred if they have made changes, to update your member database.
Simply select the participants and click on confirm, the settings have already been chosen when you made the first transfer.
E.g: If during the first transfer you transferred a column that you have edited since then, the link between the column and the field will no longer be applied and you will have to change the settings. You will be informed of this by a message.
You can always change the settings linking the fields and columns but this will bring you back to the first transfer. The new settings will be saved for the following transfers.
Add new members via the data transfer
Transferring data from forms to the member database is a new way to add members to the club, knowing they have paid the membership and filled out a registration form.
If you have broadcasted the collection publicly, or if you have allowed participants to select multiple fees for an event, then some of the participants may not be club members.
These participants will not count in the number of club members for SportEasy billing, they are considered guests. You can filter in the Form Answers to only see guests.
You can select these guests to transfer their data to the member database. They will no longer be considered guests but will now be club members.
When transferring data from guests, you will be informed of the number of guests you are adding to your club database from the beginning of the process.
Important : Like when importing members from an Excel sheet, the members added to the club from a data transfer will not automatically receive an invitation to join your club on SportEasy. Club admins will need to go to the member database and click on the button that will send these invites.
Whether a team or club, adding new members via data transfer will change your SportEasy billing system. They are no longer counted as guests but are now club members.
- For a team with a Standard subscription: stay below the limit of 30 members to continue using Standard, or subscribe to Premium for more.
- For a team with a Premium subscription: you are not limited in the amount of members, but look into club subscriptions if you have multiple teams.
- For a team using a club subscription: the members added to a team will also be added to the club database, and be taken into account for billing.
- For a club with a subscription: members added to the club database will be taken into account for SportEasy's billing, calculated based on the number of members in your club.
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